Here are various samples of the music we are playing these days. Non-professional recordings, but you'll get an idea of what our instruments look and sound like. There's more to come! (2021: We know these videos ceased to work when Adobe Flash Player stopped working. We stay quite busy all year long, but will eventually get around to coding videos in a new format. In the mean time, search for us on youtube.)
Regular Repertoire Samples
Pachelbel's Cannon in D Major
Celtic Harp and Hammered Dulcimer
Whiskey before Breakfast
Fiddle, Bodhran and Hammered Dulcimer
Arkansas Traveler/Whiskey before Breakfast
Mountain Dulcimer and Hammered Dulcimer
Cowboy Licks
Fiddle, Guitars, Mountain Dulcimer and Banjo
Christmas Samples
Come, All Ye Shepherds/Mary's Little Boy Child
Tongue Drum and Hammered Dulcimer
Jeanette Isabella/Ding Dong Merrily on High
Celtic Harp, Recorder and Hammered Dulcimer
Of the Father's Love Begotten/At Bethlehem in Lowly Manger
Celtic Harp and Bowed Psaltery